Raymond Phillip Chance Is...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Raymond Phillip Chance Is...

I'm starting today, everyone has a story.

This site is under construction.

So as of today I'm speaking to an audience of one, singular, me.  That may change and it may not but let's start out right.

I only have a few *rules*:

* Don't be stupid, be just about anything but don't be that.
* Don't be grossly obscene as that is closely related to stupid.  Bad words creatively used are just fine, refer to the late and great George Carlin.
* Don't be a stranger.

That's it, lets see where it goes.  I have a story to share and it's way past telling. 

Oh, and just call me Chance please...

Deepest Regards,

Raymond Phillip Chance

1 comment:

  1. Sitting on the side of the highway, sans shoes while listening to what the wind may bring from this place.
